Struggling to choose a secondary weapon in Helldivers 2? Check out our ranking of the top sidearms that’ll keep you ready.
There may be many different types of weapons to choose from in Helldviers 2, but the game's arsenal could still use a minigun ...
The latest update for Helldivers 2 significantly buffed the R-36 Eruptor, and now I think it’s the best primary weapon in the ...
Our best Helldivers 2 weapons tier list details every gun, stratagem, sidearm and melee weapon to arm you with the best knowledge that’ll help you on each mission. Over the past year ...
Looking to expand your arsenal in Helldivers 2? Learn the most efficient ways to unlock new weapons and spread democracy in style.
Alright, pardner, it's time to hike up your cowboy boots and put on your best duster—because Helldivers 2 has just announced a new warbond, and reports say it's both rootin', tootin', and potentially ...
Bringing the best Helldivers 2 Stratagems is crucial for a bit of extra support when you’re out on missions. If you don’t know your orbital strikes from your gun turrets, we’ve ranked them ...
A gameplay concept video for Helldivers 2 shows some sick and brutal finishers that Super Earth soldiers really should learn to execute.
Steamforged Games has announced Helldivers 2: The Board Game. The tabletop studio known for creating complex bespoke tabletop ...