An idea once "confined to the pages of science fiction", pet cloning is now an "established business" in the country, ...
That’s why Todd Otis’ chapter titled “Lessons Learned” is so interesting. In it he contrasts the ideas of the Revolution with ...
Sai Keung Tin, 54, was sentenced on Friday for his role in trafficking eastern box turtles, according to the U.S. Department ...
Residents of Fayetteville, Arkansas, have been getting rid of invasive plants in exchange for free native trees and shrubs.
Originally, Jingzhe is a season to drive away pests, but city dwellers use of the occasion to curse villains. Now ...
Read full article: Metro Detroit residents report scam calls from fake animal ... group native to Xinjiang in China's far ...
In the rainforests of West Kalimantan, in Indonesian Borneo, the Indigenous Dayak Iban listen to what they call “omen birds,” or birds they say sing messages from spirits, Mongabay’s Sonam ...
Gao's company exports products made with sea cucumber, a small marine animal with leathery skin known for its health benefits in traditional Chinese medicine. Its largest markets are the U.S. and ...
The origins of the Chinese zodiac date back 2,000 years to the Qin Dynasty. Though it has origins in zoolatry (or animal worship), this system has remained popular in China and throughout Asia for ...
The animals were likely gifted to some elites ... It likely sported a short, all-white or partly-white coat—like most Chinese house cats today—and a long tail, and its ancestors probably ...
Lakota traditions, like those of many other Native American groups in the West, place animals at the center of their spirituality and view them as relatives. "You care for horses. You not only ...
Be among those who shape the future with knowledge. Uncover exclusive stories that captivate your mind and heart with our FREE 14-day subscription trial. Dive into a world of inspiration, learning, ...