Even as they evolved into heavily armored, limo-like bodies bolted to heavy truck chassis like the current creature they call ...
Armored vehicles have come a long way since President Roosevelt rode in Al Capone's old car at the beginning of World War II.
GM Defense reportedly met with the Secret Service to set the details of a new contract. The firm should build a new generation of the Beast.
The Secret Service Director met with GM executives last week in Michigan to discuss the agency's new SUVs and the President's ...
The Secret Service isn’t just window shopping. This $40 million deal is part of a long, rolling upgrade cycle. The new Beast ...
The Secret Service shared photos of what could be the next presidential limo, known as 'the Beast,' and the next generation ...
Aurora Innovation plans to allow its self-driving trucks to operate without a driver in inclement weather ahead of launching ...
In an accidental leak, Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, was included in a chat among top security officials ...