Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9, requiring clocks to be set forward by one hour, resulting in an ...
The right-hander threw three scoreless innings against the Padres at Surprise Stadium on Thursday. He’s allowed just two runs in eight innings this spring. Leiter made his MLB debut last season, but ...
As we move our clocks ahead one hour early Sunday morning, the Delaware State Fire Marshal has a suggestion for springing forward. They are reminding you to not only move their clocks ahead by an ...
Reminder: This weekend we spring our clocks forward, losing an hour of sleep, as Daylight Saving Time begins. Use this reminder to change the batteries in your smoke detector, carbon monoxide ...
Spring breakers get a reminder; snow trail season is mostly over IRON MOUNTAIN — In Michigan, anyone born on or after Dec. 31, 1978, must have a boater safety certificate to ...
Are we about to turn the corner into spring? The relatively mild winter and increase in daylight sure have been nice. The warmer temperatures are a hint of things to come. It might be time to shed ...
This weekend marks the start of Daylight Saving Time, and as we prepare to "spring forward," Cochrane Fire Services Chief Shawn Polley is reminding residents about fire safety. “As we move the clocks ...
A reminder that Daylight Saving time starts Sunday, March 9, when clocks are turned forward one hour. There will be more light in the evening and less light in the morning, with sunrise and sunset ...
Objective The aim of the MEDication reminder APPs to improve medication adherence in Coronary Heart Disease Study was to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of using publicly available ...
CHARLESTON, W.Va (WCHS) — Spring fire season begins March 1 and the West Virginia Division of Forestry is urging common sense over the next few months to stay safe. "Use common sense.