Canceled in the '90s after two seasons, over two decades later, Jon Lovitz makes plea to reboot his animated sitcom 'The ...
The artistic style is similar to Ren and Stimpy, mixed with early web cartoons. It has that “ugly on purpose” look going on, ...
A pirate themed show will be sailing into Rock Island’s Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse from March 25 through April 19. The story following Jeremy Jacob, who gets recruited by captain Braid Beard, will be ...
K’eetahu tłeetaaltonh, there’s a trail in one direction.
From character names to set pieces, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie has too many similarities to The Odyssey to ignore.
OTTAWA - Mark Carney departed for his first foreign trip on Sunday, set to visit France and the U.K., with an additional stop in Iqaluit, Nvt., during a whirlwind three-day jaunt. The aim of the ...
His new book is Toronto: A Sketchy History, from which the following essay and cartoons are excerpted ... have been reluctant to talk about themselves. Unlike our neighbour to the south we ...
West Island resident Linda Sestock addressed the United Nations last week, delivering an urgent message about the fragility of women's rights worldwide. Speaking as president of the Canadian ...
"There's a lot of talk today about the Constitution under threat and our democracy," said Davidson. "I'm wondering how you're thinking about what you would say to students who are thinking about ...
Cole, a former Pittsburgh Pirate, experienced discomfort following ... that not only serves us well in the long haul instead of like if he’s compromised at all or in a tough situation.
I’ve found myself dying to talk about the film with others. About the hopelessness it left me with, the embarrassment of seeing home demolitions perpetuated in my name, and the struggle of ...