In November we took a deep dive into the Nutrition Facts Label, now we are going to explore the rest of the food package. Learn about front of package labels, nutrition claims, and what phrases are ...
One of the most crucial decisions made during the establishment of a turf is the proper selection of seed or seed mixtures. Turfgrasses must be selected according to their adaption to the particular ...
An attractive lawn with minimum maintenance problems begins with proper site preparation. The initial investment should be considered over the many years that a correctly established and maintained ...
Michele Bakacs, Environmental and Resource Management Agent, Middlesex and Union Counties Michael Haberland, Environmental and Resource Management Agent, Burlington and Camden Counties Steve Yergeau, ...
Health experts agree that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is key to lowering your risk of developing chronic diseases, including certain cancers and cardiovascular disease. Yet, it can be ...
A rain barrel is placed under a gutter's downspout next to a house, small sheds or other outdoor structures to collect rain water from the roof. The water can then be used in various ways including to ...
Tomatoes need at least 8 hours of direct sun each day. The area should be well-drained, and free from the competition of tree and shrub roots. If possible, plant tomatoes in an area where tomatoes, ...
If you are a homebrewer and enjoy gardening, you are a candidate for growing your own hops. The hop plant (Humulus lupulus) is a hardy perennial that produces annual vines from overwintering rootstock ...
No other insect causes as much curiosity and wonder as periodical cicadas do. Their sudden appearance in late May or early June is dramatic and usually noisy as the males produce a seemingly endless ...
A good mulch is a valuable addition to any vegetable garden. First, mulches conserve soil moisture, decreasing the amount of water you need to apply. By keeping soil moisture more uniform, ...
White-fleshed peaches have the same range of fruit and tree characteristics as yellow-fleshed varieties. These suggested varieties include a number with low or sub acid flesh unlike most of the ...
The blunt-nosed leafhopper, Limotettix vaccinii (Van Duzee) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), is a sucking insect that feeds on plant sap. Although the insect may cause direct damage to plants, it is mainly ...