Cute White Sheep On The Snow Looking In The Window. I don't know what this animal does, but just watch the short video.
The other day when Baby Brandon was here my sister and I explained to him why you can't touch the baby's head because of their soft spot, Daxton without hesitation asked " so if we punch him in the ...
Nothing like being on the phone with your elderly mother while having to explain fertilization of chicken eggs to a 6 year old.
Old abandoned hospital building built in the early 20th century , in 1906 to be exact. At first it was a sanatorium for ...
16 Weeks Pregnant at Age 45 with Twins ! How old is too old to have a baby ? The age of 47 , 42, 40, 38 , 37 , 35 ?!! In reality, I am 16 weeks pregnant with baby boy twins at the age of 45! Yes, ...
Please place a photo in your profile to become an official member of the best American Social Media Website Elvis Presley ...
I'm the type of person that will do something for a friend or anybody and NEVER hold it against them later. I hate it when people do that. They do something for a friend or anyone and later down the ...
I'm the type of person that will do something for a friend or anybody and NEVER hold it against them later. I hate it when people do that. They do something for a friend or anyone and later down the ...
This weekend our country will experience one of the most destructive storms ever, a mega-storm. Close to 200 million peoples in the United States will be in the path of an intense March storm ...